Understanding Childhood Head Injuries With A Staten Island Pediatrician

By Bob Oliver

If you want to keep the side effects of a head injury down as much as possible, there are certain ways to go about it. When your child receives an injury to the head, this problem is especially serious and I am sure that any Staten Island pediatrician will be able to agree. Why exactly is this such a tremendous ordeal, you may wonder? If you are curious as to what it is that makes this a focal point in the field of medicine, there is quite a bit of information to take in.

Examiner published a story that detailed childhood head trauma and, more specifically, how it can impact a person's social life as they grow older. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published its own findings on the matter, stating that half of a million children living in the United States - at least up until age of 14 - had to go to emergency rooms because they suffered head injuries. Car accidents were the biggest focal point, too. Regardless, this is a matter that can play into the potentially lacking growth of one's social progression.

The frontal lobe of the brain, according to the article, stands a chance of being affected in the negative sense. When this part of the brain has been aggravated due to head trauma, there is a chance that a child's social growth may not occur to the same degree as a child who didn't suffer such an injury. It's clear that this circumstance can leave an impact, regardless of its scope. Regardless of how serious you may believe an injury can be, as a parent, there are ways to ensure that your child will remain healthy.

If your child suffers a head injury in one way or another, it may be wise to keep him or her still until you're able to attain further details. In this case, you may find that the advice given by certain authorities, any Staten Island pediatrician included, will prove useful as they can walk you through the steps to take. In addition, if you feel like your child's head injury was minor but there are certain behavioral changes, it's important to turn to medical authorities like Dr. Michael Gabriel right away. The earlier you address the matter, the better.

No parent wants to see their child develop an injury, which goes without saying. This is especially true when given the seriousness of head trauma and the impact that it can leave if not attended to as soon as possible. There is help that parents can benefit from, though, whether it is found through the Internet or picked upon by medical specialists who have years of experience to offer. Until then, all you can do is remain wary of any changes that might be seen.

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