Knowing How To Get Rid Of A Headache Without Medicine: The Secret Benefits

By Tosh Caliberni

The headache can be one of life's terrible ordeals. Few things more thoroughly comprise enjoyment of your quality of life.

Knowing how to get rid of a headache without medicine might make a big difference in your overall health. That kind of knowledge enables you to deal with potentially serious health matters, without falling into the trap of undertaking a cure that's worse than the illness. Because that's exactly what you can do, when you merely mask the original cause. Don't confuse good health with symptom alleviation.

It can be a real ordeal to have to go through a headache and that's much worst if it's a chronic or recurring headache. At the very least, it seriously disrupts the enjoyment of life. In some cases, though, it can be far worse than that and be pretty much entirely debilitating.

For some people the quick and easy response is to pop some kind of over the counter pharmaceutical. As a blanket solution, though, this one isn't especially promising. The fact is that not all such drugs work for everyone and indeed for some people none of them work.

That though is just the beginning of the matters you need to consider. For, even if the drugs would alleviate your headache symptoms, many people these days feel more than just a little ambivalent about wolfing down more industrial strength chemicals. Perhaps we get more than our fair share of those as it is?

An additional concern with such pharmaceuticals is that they often produce side effects. Like headaches themselves, these side effects can range from unpleasant annoyances to serious health set-backs. This can be a classical case of the cure being worst than the illness. That phrase wasn't invented for nothing!

Finally, even if the industrial strength chemicals do work on our biochemistry and say they manage to do so without causing any significant (or at least immediately obvious) side effects, at the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that all that we're accomplished is the masking of our headache symptoms.

Certainly, effective relief of headache symptoms should not be belittled. There's no doubt that headaches may result in major and even debilitating pain and discomfort. Alleviating such suffering can result in a massive improvement in the quality of life for the one suffering the headache. It is necessary though to keep perspective on the big picture. Without belittling the benefits of short term symptom relief, it still has to be observed that the long term consequences, though untended, can be unfortunate.

Succumbing to an understandable determination to gain immediate relief at any cost doesn't change the reality that it is merely symptoms that have been addressed. The root cause of the original problem remains. And with it there is the potential, possibly even likelihood, of further future headaches that are at least as bad.

There are two sides to this matter. The first and perhaps most obvious is that no relief of symptoms ever addresses underlying physiological, psychological or lifestyle factors that lead to your headaches in the first place. The actual root cause remains unresolved. This is not though just a matter of efficiency; it can have serious consequences. The masking or alleviating of your headache symptoms inadvertently reduce your incentives for getting at the root cause of the headache.

A headache, like any other such symptom, is a warning signal about something happening in our body. Ignoring or concealing the warning signal in no way changes the something happening in our body. For instance, to posit a rather dire hypothetical example, taking medication to alleviate any discomfort associated with serious impediments to blood circulation will certainly provide welcome relief from pain. It will not though prevent the onset of gangrene, with the resulting amputation and/or death.

Pain relief and symptom alleviation are important to our ability to deal with headaches; however, knowing how to get rid of a headache without medicine goes beyond this. It entails concern for discovering and addressing the actual cause of the headache.

Not heeding the warning signals of a headache, and going for the quick fix of pharmaceutical symptom relief, is pretty much the same as driving your car with a blindfold on, so that you won't have to stop for any red lights. It will work in the short term. You won't see the red light. It's the long term which is the concern.

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